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Why I Present

Why I Present

I often get asked why I go into schools and stand in front of hundreds of elementary kids. My answer is easy, I love the kids!

I start off by educating them on the steps it takes to get a book published. While explaining the process, I get to highlight the team of talented people it takes to get the job done. The kids are usually surprised to find out just how many people it takes to publish a book. From the illustrators to the designers it fun to build curiosity about the different skills.

The next step is explaining where my story ideas come from. All my books are based on true adventures and telling those stories is one of my highlights. I want the kids to feel the excitement of climbing a mountain in Colorado and seeing a bull elk at the top.  Or, having a northern pike jump out of the water with your lure stuck in its mouth. I believe, firing the kids up about the outdoors is important. I want them to get outside and enjoy the healthy fun our wilderness and lakes have to offer.

I always include the Famous Animal Sound Challenge in my presentations. I bring a bunch of hunting calls and let the kids guess what animals make the sound. I follow up their guesses with live video of the animal. This has proven to be a huge hit with the kids and adults. Animals are amazing and seeing them make their sounds, live in the wild, is very cool.

Finally, the question and answer session at the end shows that the kids really love the outdoors and the book writing process. The questions go on and on and I am thrilled to do my best to answer each and every one of them.

So why do I love going into schools and standing in front of hundreds of elementary kids? It’s the kids. I love sparking their curiosity about the team it takes to publish a book. The excitement in their eyes when they get to hear a bull elk bugle for the first time. The girl who asks how she can get her first book published. Kids are fantastic and educating, entertaining and inspiring them is a mission I love.

Contact me today and let’s fire your kids up.

Author Kevin Lovegreen

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